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Mesotherapy for Hair Loss

Hair loss can bring you a lot of trouble, embarrassment, and anxiety. It can result from many things, including family history, extreme stress, physical or emotional shock, hormonal issues, or a specific medical condition. If you’ve always wished your hair was more shiny, graceful, and thick, you might want to think about getting a Mesotherapy treatment as soon as possible.

Mesotherapy treatment for hair is a simple method applied by injecting vitamins, minerals, and amino acid mixtures necessary for healthy hair, into the scalp. This method enables the components that nourish your hair follicles to easily settle in the hair. With Mesotherapy treatment, hair loss can be treated; thinned hair can become thicker, stop hair loss, and make your hair much more vital and shinier.

Not many people are satisfied with their hair nowadays. These days, hair has become heavily polluted due to the environment, air, and water. Not to mention extreme stress, tension, and sleeping disorders that make people so uncomfortable, which, in return, negatively affect their hair.

These modern-day issues are negatively affecting our hair, skin, and natural beauty. However, modern-day problems require modern-day solutions. Therefore, treatments like Mesotherapy can always be your last resort to solve your hair problems.

How Does Mesotherapy Treatment Work?

Mesotherapy is a non-invasive, non-surgical cosmetic treatment used to restore volume and nourishment to thinning hair. It involved inserting micro-injections of pharmaceutical agents, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and more into the epidermal layer of the scalp. This process stimulates the mesoderm layer and encourages new hair growth and production.

Since most hair loss problems occur due to hormonal imbalances around the hair follicles, lack of proper nutrients that result in healthy hair, and reduced blood circulation to the scalp, Mesotherapy targets all of these issues and works based on them.

Hair Mesotherapy, or mesohair, involves injecting medications directly into the scalp. This treatment acts directly on the epidermis, dermal connective tissue, circulation, and hair follicles. In addition, the Mesotherapy solution is tailored based on the patient’s vitamins, co-enzymes, amino acids, and minerals needs.

Mesotherapy can help improve certain forms of alopecia, such as telogen effluvium, androgenetic alopecia, alopecia areata, and nutritional hair loss. Nevertheless, there is very little scientific evidence to show that this technique can actually eliminate hair loss.

The primary purpose of this treatment is to restore and increase microcirculation in the scalp, provide nutrients, slow down the shrinking of follicles, and stimulate hair growth.

Indications for Mesotherapy Hair Treatment

People choose to get Mesotherapy for their hair for many reasons. However, here are the most common indications for getting Mesotherapy hair treatment:

  • Excessive hair loss: It has been proven that many patients found that Mesotherapy effectively reduced hair loss.
  • Seborrhea of the scalp.
  • Dandruff.
  • Scratched and dry scalp: Mesotherapy can help hydrate and nourish the scalp.
  • Increased hair fragility and split hair: It promotes thickening of hair and increases the hair diameter, which will make it stronger.

Contraindications and Side Effects of Mesotherapy Hair Treatment

Here are the cases in which your dermatologist might not proceed with Mesotherapy for you:

  • Pregnancy: Mesotherapy involves many risks for pregnant women, including redness, swelling, skin irritation, and the chemicals reaching the fetus.
  • Breastfeeding: There is a big chance that medications will pass from the mother to the baby by way of breast milk.
  • Allergy against composite components: One of the side effects of Mesotherapy involves an immediate or delayed allergic reaction to one of the components used in the solution. For example, lecithin is known to cause inflammation and swelling.
  • Infections: Since Mesotherapy has a risk of causing infection and skin irritation, it is not recommended to use this technique if one suffers from a local infection.
  • Bleeding tendency.

Active Ingredients in the Mesotherapy Injection

Here are some of the minerals, vitamins, amino acids, co-enzymes, and more that are used in Mesotherapy:

  • Minerals like: iron, zinc, and copper.
  • Vitamins like: B8 (biotin) Bg (folic acid).
  • Amino acids like alanine, arginine, and cystine.
  • Antioxidants.
  • Hyaluronic acid.
  • Nano peptides
  • Cocktails

What Is the Procedure for Mesotherapy Hair Treatment?

This is how you can expect the Mesotherapy procedure to go:

  • The procedure takes up to 10 minutes.
  • The patient is instructed to sit on the procedure bed.
  • After that, the doctor will clean the treated area (frontal scalp) with alcohol.
  • Multiple injections with tiny gauge needles are done.
  • Lastly, the doctor massages the hair.

How Many Mesotherapy Sessions are Needed?

Usually, patients go for a minimum of 4 sessions separated by one week. This means that you can be finished with your Mesotherapy treatment in as little as one month. However, it is essential to note that those four sessions must be repeated every 6 to 12 months as needed.

What to Do after Each Session

Here is what you can do after your Mesotherapy sessions to get the best outcome:

  1. Avoid exercise.
  2. Do not wash your hair for the first 10 hours after the session, especially with balms and shampoo.
  3. Avoid exposure to sunlight for around 2 to 3 days.
  4. Do not swim as injection areas need to dry well.
  5. Do not use a sauna for a minimum of 7 days.
  6. It is recommended to massage the scalp after the wound heals.

Results after Mesotherapy Treatment

You can see the results of Mesotherapy after the sessions. Here are some of the things you might notice:

  1. Your hair loss will stop.
  2. Your hair will begin to thicken.
  3. You will notice new hairs growing on your scalp.
  4. Your hair will appear shinier, healthier, and more graceful.


If your hair problems have been a massive headache for you lately, Mesotherapy is the right treatment for you to resort to. However, make sure that you go and get checked by your dermatologist before proceeding with the treatment, as there are contraindications that might prevent you from benefiting from the process.

Mesotherapy is a healthy and effective method for resorting your damaged hair. Call today to book your appointment at our clinic 07 9111 2222.