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How to Know Your Skin Type

There are many ways to categorize your skin type, based on many factors such as the color or shade, the ability to burn, and the amount of oil secretion (oily,…

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How to Use Retinoids

A lot of people have been increasingly noticing skin problems occurring nowadays, from acne to pigmentation and early aging signs like wrinkles and fine lines. The causes for skin damage…

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Stretch Marks Treatment

Pregnancy, weight loss, weight gain, and other factors can lead to visible stretch marks on the skin. The skin is the largest organ in the body. It has a remarkable…

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Pro Yellow Laser

If you have been dealing with skin aging, pigmentation, visible red vessels, and other skin issues, then you might be interested to read more about pro yellow laser in solving…

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Hair Loss Treatment

Hair loss is nothing for you to be worried about; we lose around 50 to 100 hairs per day without even noticing. However, when hair loss becomes so excessive that…

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MiraDry in Amman

If sweating is a daily problem that causes embarrassment and hinders your social life, you would be interested in knowing more about a technology that can make you forget about…

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All About Rosacea

A lot of people could notice unusual redness on their faces and mistake it for acne, blushing, or sunburns. However, what many people are not aware of is that this…

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